
The Reiki Principles

The Reiki Principles

For all of today, I will trust

For all of today, I will love

 For all of today, I will be true to myself and others

For all of today, I will give thanks for my many blessings

For all of today, I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing.

The Reiki principles are a way to release the stories that your mind is telling you that create suffering as you go about your day.

Most events in and of themselves are not stressful. It is the beliefs that we have about them that cause our stress.

As you unravel and release those beliefs, you will find more balance and peace in your life. It is not possible to live every moment within these principles; however, you can continue to improve how you manage your thoughts and actions day to day, moment by moment.

By focusing on these tenets, your conscious actions over time will become a natural way of being. You may find reading the principles in the morning right when you wake up and evening before going to sleep helpful. You could also carry them with you or have them visible in a place you visit often or your healing room.

The five principles will have a different resonance and meaning for each person and you may find that the feeling you have when you recite them now will be different than how you feel when you recite them tomorrow, next month, and a year from now. You will need to commit time with them to see how they feel and what they mean for you.

To learn about the Reiki Practitioner Course on the Gold Coast please  visit: www.ReikiSeichemHealing.com

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